Seasons Change
Seasons change. The Equinox. The point of equal day and night. The re-balancing. Harmony. Spring begins.
Seasons change. We trust in the flow of cycles and seasons, knowing that we can rely on Mother Earth to tilt and spin, and in time, the season changes. Everything changes. This too shall pass. Sometimes we flow in periods of activity and ambition, and then in rest and recuperation. There is a time to plant and a time to reap. There is a time to go within and restore to gather our strength and a time to explore new plans for the next coming season.
Everything has its time. Everything has its season.
I love whatever season is in season. It allows me to be present with it.
I wonder… how will you honor or celebrate this change of seasons?
Life has seasons, just as the earth does. Even in the chaos and noise, we can honor each season as it comes into season.
As a dreamer myself, I know I must make room for quiet contemplation, as well as take action in the direction of my dreams.
There are times of silent nights. There are times of solid momentum. There are times of muted solitude and there are times of noisy busyness. Sometimes we simply need to curl up on the sofa and watch movies, to rest and rejuvenate. Trust what you need and give yourself permission to dream. We do not always need to strive. You’ll know when it’s time to do the next right thing. Trust the inner directive.
I wish you a blessed Spring Equinox, my beloved dreamers. May you honor the new season with reverence, and in a way that also honors you and your dreams.
The tonic, distilled to three simple thoughts for today: Honor the season. Move with the cycles of life. Keep dreaming.
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