Say Yes

As the moon waxes to full, under the silvery lunar light, I am making a promise. Or to be more accurate, I’m saying yes to an invitation. It’s really one and the same thing. The Universe invited me to play and I’m promising to show up for the playdate. I’m playing with my imagination, dreaming of what could be if I created it, in collaboration with the Universe.

Invitations land in the bin, incomplete, if one does not respond to them. We just need to reply to the inner directive and say yes.

I wonder…have you felt a recent nudge by the Universe inviting you to try something new?

It’s a ripe moment to take that invitation and dance with destiny. It’s time. There are dreams hidden in the womb of your heart, waiting to be born.

When The Nudge invites you to dance, play, or do something that feels new and unknown, it’s okay to take a deep breath and accept. You can say yes, even if it feels a little scary. Even if it is outside of your current comfort zone.

Just breathe. Breathe into the invitation. Listen to your heart, not your monkey mind. What is it saying about taking chances, taking baby steps, and playing with ideas and potentiality? Trust that quiet voice within you. And then make the promise to show up and answer the call. Say yes to nurturing that baby dream. Show up to the dream everyday and honor it as if it were sacred, like a holy child, born in your heart.

The tonic, distilled to three simple things for today: Just. Say. Yes.


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