Radical Acceptance
Today, my thoughts take me to the quandary of what is and what is not yet. Between where I am and where I want to be, do and experience.
I live at the corner of Faith and Mainstream, somewhere between those two worlds, as most dreamers do. But sometimes the space between the two is such a broad chasm that it threatens to engulf and swallow me. That bridge can be a narrow, scary place with a seemingly bottomless pit below.
I have a tonic for that. Though, I honestly admit, it is rather bittersweet.
The tonic is called Radical Acceptance. The 3 simple ingredients are:
1. Accept life on life’s terms. Allow what is, what is current, what is now. Hold space for it, in a detached and curious kind of way.
2. Resist not. Try not to resist what is. Accept that there are some things you cannot change right now, and a few things yet to learn from this situation. Remember ‘What we resist persists.’ As long as ‘what is’ is here, it means there is a lesson yet to finish.
3. Release expectations. Let go of the white-knuckled attachment to what could be, should be, and/or might have been.
In that place of acceptance, we are liberated from the burden of yearning for something that’s not here. From that place, we see what is, and what the lesson in today might be. But we also don’t give up on our dreams for more. We keep imagining the thing that makes our heart beat, that gives us joy and delight.
Yes, it’s a delicate balance, a dance with Life.
Where is the line of equilibrium, you wonder? Where is the stasis point? How do we shift our focus to begin seeing this moment as the current new door that is open and stop pining for what isn’t, or isn’t yet? How do we let go and trust in a Higher Power to lead us us? How do we keep on believing in our dreams and also live with what is?
Radical acceptance. We live in the mystery. We are okay with our own curiosity in the odyssey. We tango with Life. And then we do not demand to have the answers, only to retain our center of gravity. Because in every moment there is gold if we choose to look for it. There is always a silver lining. Always something to be thankful for. I firmly believe that, in the absence of agenda, there are miracles to be found like nuggets of golden wisdom mined from any given, basic, regular day.
I wonder… what might you accept and what might you be willing to release right now?
Lessons in the key of today are like building blocks that lead to greater and higher understanding. But we must master the basics in order to build our home on a firm foundation.
Distilled to three simple things, the tonic today is the 3 ingredient recipe for radical acceptance.
Looking for bite-sized daily wisdom, hope and encouragement? Check out “Lessons in the Key of Today” on the Divine Moonshine YouTube channel.

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