
It’s cold this morning. The coffee is warm and comforting. As I pick up a pen to write, I am struck by the feeling of sanctuary in spite of the chill. A holy moment of light, comfort and peace.

I wonder… where do you find sanctuary?

Sanctuary is the place we regroup, rest, heal and regenerate. It is the place that restores our energy. Where we experience healing energy is different for different people. The place or pastime varies by our unique design. It may be in nature. Or talking to a friend. Some folks find restoration in cleaning and organizing.  Or spending time making art or writing. Some like to garden and dig in the dirt. Or a cook a delicious meal. Or knit. Or letting the mind wander aimlessly to dreamland, the place of what could be.

That’s my personal favorite. 

However you experience that feeling, it’s like a coming home to ourselves, so we can fill our cup again. We should never give from an empty cup, but rather from one that is overflowing. We should give of our bounty, not our lack.

The important thing is to know how our own system works. To be that tuned in and connected to our own wellness and natural state. It is vital to have clarity around what will comfort and rest us, so we can keep choosing it, again and again. It means we can then nurture ourselves in moments of depletion, or even before we get to that point.

It’s so important.

Well-being is a high priority. Which means your personal version of sanctuary must take precedence in your mind and daily regime. Restoring your soul, mind and body everyday is key to living your best life. Creating the space to come home to you will be foundational to creating a life you love.

Distilled to three simple things for today:  Rest. Restore. Regenerate.


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