We Bleed

I don’t know what happened in Chesapeake. He never told me. But he was never the same after he returned from that trip. He never came clean about it and has been running ever since. He was gone, leaving all our dreams and aspirations scattered, before I knew…

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Strength. The truth is I can be tough and inauthentic if I need to be. I just don’t want to be. I want to be soft, tender, gentle, and compassionate in my world because it is authentic to who I am, to being a dreamer like me. Realistically,…

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A Fork in the Road

Sometimes it is a choice we make. But sometimes it’s forced upon us. Either way, when the road of life forks and suddenly we have to make a clear decision to wholeheartedly try a new route, there can be fear. But this is What Is. That’s where the…

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