
Sometimes transitions are a graceful pirouette. Sometimes they are a hard right turn. Sometimes they are a left that feels right. Often, transitions are a series of small decisions that lead somewhere other than the previous trajectory. As humans, we like the familiar patterns. Change can feel clumsy. …

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Daydream believers are often derided and mocked for not living in the real world. I call it ‘believer-shame.’ I know both the pain of believer-shame and the bliss of dreaming my dreams. Seems like they go hand in hand sometimes, like two sides of one thing.  Oh to…

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The Nudge

Whispers on the wind. A gentle nudge from your Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide, or the Holy Spirit. The inner directive of your Higher Power, or Higher Self. The still, small, quiet Voice that knows the way. It’s never loud, but it is persistent. It directs you where to…

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