Seasons Change

Seasons change. The Equinox. The point of equal day and night. The re-balancing. Harmony. Spring begins.  Seasons change. We trust in the flow of cycles and seasons, knowing that we can rely on Mother Earth to tilt and spin, and in time, the season changes. Everything changes. This too…

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Raise the Bar

Raise the bar, not just the glass. After years of settling and making do, trying to fit inside a system that is now at least 2 sizes too small for me to fit into any longer, I am raising the bar.  I wonder…do you ever settle for less…

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A Life One Loves

As one season fades and a new one flows in on the tide, I sit on the beach and wonder what the new season will bring. After the challenges of the past few years, how can one inspire dreamers to keep their daydreams alive? To not give up…

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